January 29, 2010

Not Metropolis Girl


Few years a go I remember have a small chit chat with best friends (that time),
We talk about what we want. A question which is half statement that I never forget until today.
A: Fit, don’t you want to be metropolis girl, have your own home and drive your car with sun glasses and scarf in your neck? I really want it. She said.
Every man will stare of me and admire me because of my style and success. And every woman will feel jealous with me since I look very cool and I am modern career woman.

Me: Nope. I don’t want it. Well actually I want to have simple life, working and then married. If needed be a fulltime housewife and mother would be great. I got no benefit being metropolis girl and I am not interesting to that kind of style.

A said, Ohhh Pleaseeeee……
Don’t tell me if you don’t feel tired have an ordinary life?
Don’t you feel sucks being poor girl??
Don’t you want to be rich girl?
You know what, I’m tired to all those things fit, I want a rich man to be my husband, I want to have welfare life, I want to be rich, and no one can stop me to find it, not even my parents.

That time I just stare at her and don’t know what to say.
Finally I said, yes, I want welfare life and I want what other normal people want but I never imagine that I will chase after money and rich guy to get welfare life. I’m happy to what I have. Maybe I’m not fit with metropolis girl title.

Conversation ends after talk many others thing. Time flies and goes by. It’s been 5 years from that small chit chat.
I write this with smile in my face, smile that reflects unbelievable to what happen.
Yes, she’s married and has children, she has welfare life (seems like) but she has no career and no car and no home. She and husband stay in rent apartments outside Indonesia, no car to drive and she became fully housewife and mother. Have no activity other than taking care family and home. She can’t drive and she never drives by her own using sun glasses and scarf in her neck. She can not make her dream come true to become metropolis girl.

And Now, here I am have my own home and car (ya… ya… you are right, I get it using credit facility… hehehehe). I’m not that rich yet.
I drive by myself (You bet that I don’t use sun glasses and scarf as in her imagination)
I become metropolis girl as she wish.
Actually, I never want to be metropolis girl, it’s just not fit with me.

Well, I am still single, no husband and children, which’s mean my dream still not come true.
Somehow I feel that our dream that time is being switch.
She got what I dream of and I got what she dreams of, but I know it’s not true.

Life is unpredictable, our entire dream will come true but which one coming first to your life no one knows.
I love my life and the way GOD give me way to through.
I feel that someday I can have the best thing from HIM.

Congratulation for you my lovely friends. You have cute sons....

January 09, 2010

Besok Juga Pagi Lagi

Pelajaran hidup memang gak akan kita dapat di bangku sekolah.
Semua hanya bisa didapat melalui pengalaman yang dialami sendiri atau pengalaman orang lain.
seringkali kita merasa tertipu dengan orang lain bahkan dengan teman atau keluarga yang paling dekat sekalipun.
mungkin sebenarnya bukan tertipu tapi kita merasa begitu karena kita berharap apa yang kita lakukan menghasilkan efek balik yang kita harapkan dan bukan yang seharusnya terjadi.
Aku juga seringkali mengalami kekecewaan seperti itu, dan setelah berulang kali melaluinya aku sadar bahwa no one can control what will happen next. gak pengaruh seberapa rapih kita rencanakan dan atur segalanya keputusan akhir tetap di tangan sang penguasa jagad raya ini.
Sebagai manusia wajibnya kita berusaha dan merencanakan segalanya, tapi memang harus diimbangi dengan basic yang kuat ttg agama dan keyakinan bahwa segala yang hidup pasti mati, segala yang ada bisa hilang dan sirna dalam sekejap.
Kita gak punya kemampuan sedikitpun untuk tahu apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan maka dari itu aku berpendapat bahwa kita harus banyak2 berdoa, memohon segalanya dimudahkan buat kita.
dimudahkan dalam menerima apapun yang terjadi, dimudahkan untuk mencari solusinya. Insyaallah jika kita yakin dengan pertolongan Allah semua akan terasa ringan saja, karena sebelum kita menyadari kesulitan kita, Allah pasti sudah mengangkatnya.
Seperti hari ini, aku begitu terkejut dengan apa yang terjadi. aku baru mengetahui suatu fakta yang gak pernah terbayangkan sebelumnya. yang ada di kepalaku itu, apa yang ku lakukan sudah benar tapi ternyata aku salah dan aku kecewa. sempat limbung sesaat sampai akhirnya tersenyum sendiri. Huaahhhh.... kenapa harus kecewa, smuanya pasti sudah ada aturannya. segalanya berjalan sesuai rencana sang pencipta dan gak perlu lagi kecewa atau menyesali yang terjadi. Kenapa?
karena, gak pengaruh seberapa berat kecewa, kesal dan amarah kita pada sesuatu atau seseorang tetap saja waktu berjalan, dunia tidak berhenti berputar dan besok juga pagi lagi :) hari baru lagi. so keep on smiling and all the problem will feel so simple.
that's what I always keep in my mind, tomorrow is going to be morning again, the sun will shine and others problem will come to you.
I Believe in GOD and I know He will be here with me for any situations.

Thank you for the lesson i've got outside the class and thank you for all people who inspire me and make me mature from day to day.

Poms at 00:46